Wednesday, November 13, 2013

WAVE3 News, sometimes you erk me.

Now I would like to start this post by saying, I have nothing against local news and I don't have some deep, long term issue with WAVE3 but sometimes they just grind my gears. 

I go to the WAVE3 website and the first thing I see is a story about a woman who was caught eating stolen groceries. Yes. Stolen groceries. This was considered one of their most important stories, so important that it was on the homepage. And if you aren't already shaking because of this horrific event, a whopping $2.87 was reported as the total loss *insert dramatic gasp*

Come on WAVE3 I know for a fact, without any research that something could have been happening, actually anything could have been happening that was more important than "woman caught eating groceries after being banned from store". It's so not important, you didn't even capitalize your title. This is breaking the Newsworthy yardstick of journalism. Generally I would go into a rant about how this is not a core topic (such as  politics, natural disasters e.c.t) and that it is a peripheral topic (like celebrity news or gossip) but honestly it's really neither. It's not a core topic for obvious reasons but I can't put this into peripheral topic either because peripheral topics are things that people want to read about. I can't think of a single person in any circumstance that would want to read this or would be effected by this. So I will create my own category, it shall be called "WEIT topic" or "What Even Is This Topic" 

So WAVE3 News, congratulations. You have helped revolutionize WEIT topics, and to thank you, this story will be the first of the WEIT kind.

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