Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Binary Models Lecture: Hot-Cold Models

As I pour over my notes for our upcoming test, I was reminded of my favorite lecture we have had this year. The lecture on Binary Models. Now I know that this topic seems kind of boring, but it just really clicks with me. But out of all of them, the hot and cold entertainment was the hardest for me to remember (yet I have no idea why), so I thought I would post about it to jog my memory.

Hot entertainment requires your full attention. Like a book. You can't read, watch TV, and listen to the radio at the same time. But if you can, I would love to see it sometime. Even if you told me you could do it, I would be highly surprised if you could really take it what you were reading, follow a plot line, and sing the same verses constantly.

 Cool entertainment, you don't have to be focused on that single thing to fully understand it. Like TV, you don't need to watch the news all day long to get your information. You can check in periodically, because chances are they are just saying the same thing over and over again. 

Now there are  exceptions to these rules, especially in cool entertainment. Some TV shows or movies, really do need your full attention. For example, if you were watching Cloud Atlas and you decided to leave the room for five minutes, when you came back you would be at an utter loss. Cloud Atlas has so many different points of view that you could get confused even if you didn't leave the room.

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