Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Mass Communication

As the Red classes prepare for our test tomorrow, I thought I would post about one of the most important topic that we went over so far this year.  Mass Communication. Mass communication requires technology so it has the potential for everyone on Earth to see the post/song/video at any point in space and time.

There are Five Steps of Mass Communication
1. Stimulus- Thinking and coming up with an idea
2. Encoding- Projecting the idea you were thinking
3. Transmission- The idea traveling through space and time
4. Decoding- The idea being processed (ex. decoding literacy in a book or picking up a frequency on the radio)
5. Internalization- Retaining or understanding the idea

There are also things that can get in the way of this five step process.
Filters (interference with decoding)
-physical: Not being able to read a book because you are blind
-informational: Not being able to understand a song sung in French
-physiological: Not wanting to understand the information given

Impediments (interference with encoding)
-sematic noise: Not being able to hear a song because of a jackhammer outside your window
-channel noise: Losing wifi in the middle of reading an article
-environmental Noise: a little sibling standing in front of the tv

Hope I helped some of my classmates with this overview of Mass Communication.

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